We are proud to boast of the good reasons why you can confidently choose us. We can assure you that our other clients have been satisfied with how we served them. Read More »

11752 Garden Grove Blvd. #121
Garden Grove, CA 92843
Telephone : (714) 530-7946
Fax :(714) 530-7947
Email Address : donnington@att.net
Office Hours
Monday - Friday : 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
On call 24 hours / 7 days a week.
Donnington Corporation is a well respected company that provides you with the finest Care at Home and Healthcare Products that are perfect for your care and cost effective through our bulk purchasing ability. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive and quality service in the privacy and comfort of your own home.
With over 40 years of combined healthcare experience our management team will work with your Doctor and Visiting Nurse to prepare a plan to make your care at home or facility as comfortable and pleasant as possible.
We pride ourselves on our honesty, integrity and our desire to uphold the standards of any company that is caring for those that are sick, infirm or simply need someone to care for them at home or their facility. Feel free to browse through our website, learn more about us, and see that we are your ideal choice.
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